Programme design

Our bachelor's studies specialising in industrial engineering unlock unprecedented international study opportunities for you as US high school graduate. This is made possible by IBR Institute of International Business Relations (IBR) in Germany, which brings together two universities to promote work-integrated learning and international learning experiences in engineering, technology, leadership, and business management:

  • Albstadt-Sigmaringen University (ASU) in Germany: A state university with an academic tradition in technology, engineering, and business management
  • Kairos University (KU) in the United States: A private university, with a tradition in Christian theology and leadership



IBR and its partner universities

As the leader of this innovative initiative, IBR operates as a central service hub for enrolment, student counselling and mentoring for both universities and placement in the United States on behalf of ASU. Furthermore, as an integrated partner of KU for contextualisation and delivery of bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. programmes in technology, engineering, leadership, and business management, IBR is responsible for delivering tuition for the first 4 semesters.

IBR enrols you as an applicant at KU, where you commence your educational journey by studying at IBR. Midway through the programme, IBR also enrols you at ASU. With a transcript from KU of completed course work at IBR, you transfer to ASU in semester 5 and conclude your studies in semester 8 at both universities. This American-German initiative provides you with a variety of options for graduation:

  • From ASU with a BSc in Industrial Engineering
  • From KU with a BA in Leadership specialising in industrial engineering
  • From KU and ASU with an American BA and a German BSc



Work-integrated learning experiences

  • Semester 2: technology internship in the United States, arranged by the student, guided and mentored by IBR
  • Semester 7: placement into a German company, facilitated and guided by ASU
  • Semester 8: typically, placement into a company in the United States, arranged by IBR, facilitated and guided by ASU



Blended learning experiences
in the United States

  • Each semester is divided into two blocks of 7-week self-study, with intensive guidance and support from IBR international faculty and an eighth week of intensive training to prepare for examinations.
  • Covering semester 1-4



On-campus learning experiences
in Germany

  • Covering semester 5-6
  • A mix of class-room activities, lab experiments, and self-studies, delivered by faculty of ASU’s College of Engineering and industry experts in English.



International learning experiences

  • Covering semester 3-7
  • In semester 3 and 4, attending a four-week winter school in Athens and Jerusalem, and a four-week summer school in Oxford and Prague.
  • In semester 5-6, on-campus studies for two semesters at ASU in Germany, complemented by one-day weekend excursions into the region (France, Austria, Southern Germany)
  • In semester 7, attached to a German company and studying in work-integrated mode.